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Played by a verified adult
【 Marksmanship and Gun repair】
Years of training at a private range has honed Raz's ability to fire and operate multiple different types of civilian-based weaponry. While not an expert compared to some, Raziel sits a fine line above most in that if the target is being aimed at, the shot will likely be close to dead on. The natural stability of their cybernetic arm added upon training makes them a formidable foe should a gun fight transpire. They've also taken the time to learn how to disassemble and clean any owned firearms to prevent what would otherwise be much more frequent jamming.
【Data corruption】
Because of mishappened experimental cybernetics, Raz has the boon and bane of being the walking counterpart of what most would consider a magnet. Through focused concentration, the cyborg has the capability of inflicting a minor EMP-style attack from the base of their hand to disable electronics directly in front of the cybernetic limb. While ordinarily capable of being controlled to not break everything around them, if Raz is experiencing high fatigue or otherwise in a state of inebriation, things may begin to malfunction in a general vicinity around them. Flickering lights, stuttering TVs, and security systems going off are all beginning signs of Raz's mental state deteriorating. Sleep generally does not activate the ability because of low electrical brain current during that time.
【Dollar tree detective】
As the title suggests, Raz has learned everything about detective work from whatever they can get their hands on. That includes books, movies, shows, and a handful of rundown lessons from an ex-cop they keep in contact with. This creates for a concerning job occupation filled with many blunders, misunderstandings, dangerous situations, and otherwise volatile turn of events quite often. That being said, Raz isn't stupid and has an innate understanding of how people work. So while many things go wrong, sometimes a stroke of luck hits, and everything falls into place for their investigation. Maybe they will upgrade from dollar tree detective to something cool, like Walmart detective...one day.
【Accelerated perception】
Thanks to the same crooked cybernetics that corrupts electronics around them, Raziel also has the passive boon of improved perceptive visual abilities. While not quick enough to dodge bullets like someone from Blade, they have enhanced danger detection that gives an almost mental ping that indicates something is about to happen. It has been Raz's most significant lifeline since beginning private detective work, and without it likely would have died in the field long ago. There are other functions to this ability as well, but without proper understanding of what is within in their head nor someone to teach, it stays locked away behind bars until an opportunity arises.
【Mechanical tinkering.】
While not an expert by any means, Raziel has a baseline understanding of how mechanical and electronic components operate together thanks to work on their arm. Years of trial&error on self while also maintaining their own living quarters have made it so Raz can get stuff working again even if it may not be perfect. Ya, it might spark a few times, and that grinding noise won't disappear, but that's nothing to be too concerned about...right? .....................................................................
「Engineering:」★★★★✰ 「Athletics:」★★★✰✰ 「Acrobatics:」★★★✰✰ 「Computers:」★★✰✰✰ 「Culture:」★★✰✰✰ |
「Diplomacy:」★★★✰✰ 「Disguise:」✰✰✰✰✰ 「Intimidate:」★★✰✰✰ 「Bluff:」★★✰✰✰ 「Sense Motive:」★★★★★ |
「Piloting:」★★✰✰✰ 「Driving:」★★✰✰✰ 「Survival:」★★★★✰ 「Perception:」★★★★★ 「Medicine:」★★✰✰✰ |